Happy Holidays from De Silva Taekwon-Do!
13 December 2022
Save the Dates 2023
6 January 2023Winter Assessment and Grading Report:
On 3rd December 2022, over 85 students attended the Winter Lil’ Warriors Assessment White & Colour Belt grading and Black Belt Grading, held over at our Wembley Academy. The day showcased the talent of our phenomenal students as they demonstrated their skills and hard work.
We would like to thank everyone who participated and all parents and guardians who dedicate just as much time bringing our students to class, gradings and tournament.
On behalf of the examiners, Master de Silva, Sabum Thomas, Sabum Vargas, Sabum Malini and BooSabum Alina, we are very pleased to confirm that all who attended have passed. Congratulations to all our warriors!
We have included a selection of photos from the competition provided by our professional photographer, Soody from SA Images. If you would like to order a High-Resolution version of the photos or a 9"x6" Print, please contact the Admin Team at Office@deSilvaTKD.com.
The password for the LIl' Warrior Assessment and White & Colour Belt Grading Photos is Kup (Uppercase K).