

15 February 2023

Winter Lil’ Warriors Assessment and White & Colour Belt Grading Report – February 2023

On 3rd December 2022, over 85 students attended the Winter Lil’ Warriors Assessment White & Colour Belt grading and Black Belt Grading, held over at our Wembley Academy. The day showcased the talent of our phenomenal students as they demonstrated their skills and hard work.
25 January 2023

TWO23 – Join the Team Warrior!

On Saturday 11 March 2023, we are expecting in excess of 300 competitors from the UK and the rest of the World to The Warrior Open, ITF Taekwon-Do Championship in Harrow, London. Accompanied by their coaches, friends and family, it will be a very busy day!
11 January 2023

The Warrior Open 2023 – Competitor Registration

The Warrior Open returns on Saturday 11 March 2023 to its regular home, Byron Hall, Harrow Leisure Centre, London, England. The competition is compulsory for all De Silva Club members aged 7 Years and above, as it is a unique opportunity to compete locally in London as a hosting club in an International Championship.