

28 April 2023

MWTA British Championships 2023 – Competitor Information

Thank you to all our Warriors, who have registering for this weekend’s MWTA British Championships 2023. We have received further information which we would like to share with you in preparation for this upcoming event on Saturday 28 April.
29 March 2023

The Warrior Open 2023: Competitor Photos

On 11 March 2023, over 150 De Silva Taekwon-Do students attended The Warrior Open 2023, held over at Byron Hall, Harrow Leisure Centre. The day showcased the talent of our phenomenal students as they demonstrated their skills and hard work.
6 March 2023

The Warrior Open 2023 | Tournament Information

Thank you to everyone who has registered to compete at The Warrior Open. With over 500 competitors from the UK and around the world expected to compete on Saturday, The Warrior Open organising committee have released a provisional timings for the day.